Interative Quiz and Photobooth

When IKEA turned 75 they wanted to promote their new catalog in a fun way. We developed a web-based 75-question quiz, completed by scanning QR codes scattered throughout 4-rooms. I lead developers in the technical requirements, user experience and creative execution of the AR browser application.

Additionally, our team created an dynamic photobooth that used tangible objects (including the pull-string of an IKEA.,kelkjeljqj send themselves their images via SMS.


Technology Management; UX; Quality Assurance; On-going maintenance and enhancements; On-site Training and Trouble Shooting


HTML5, NodeJS, CSS, AR, Firebase Database, OpenFramework, AWS


Prior to the activations, we coordinated with vendors to secure and install a Wi-Fi network to handle hundreds of simultaneous connections. During the activations, I interacted with, trained and assisted a 20-person team as well as assisted thousands of customers over 9 days in multiple cities.


The onsite feedback and excitement we received from the client and the visitors was incredible. We created a fun experience that thousands of people were compelled to visit again and again. We’ve since optimized the quiz and website to be more manageable by a smaller staff. This smaller version has been used to promote multiple store openings across the country.

Screens from the interactive quiz

It is totally worth the wait

Smile for the camera

On the hunt for the questions

Seriously, it was this much fun